Image: Katherine Hubble Hatchery Strand Series 2021, photo: Ruby Sinclair
The Bluestone Collection welcomes new members from any walk of life who love to support contemporary Australian craft.
Membership - Expression of Interest
Thank you for expressing your interest in membership with the Bluestone Collection.
To get to know each prospective member better, we request that they write a brief paragraph telling us a little about themselves and their level of interest and engagement with contemporary craft.
Please note that because we are a member-driven organisation focused on effecting new developments and growth across Victorian contemporary craft, the Committee of the Bluestone Collection holds to a diversity policy for its membership.
The Membership Process
The Bluestone Collection is supported by two kinds of members:
· Active Members support the collection financially, visit exhibitions and events/activities, attend board meetings and vote on acquisitions, policies, and prospective members;
· Silent Members support the collection financially and are welcome to visit exhibitions and events/activities, but are not expected to attend board meetings, and do not vote on acquisitions or prospective members.
In the case of every prospective member to the Committee of the Bluestone Collection, two current members are required to support the prospective member for a vote by the wider board.
Each prospective member must submit an EOI to the Membership Coordinator and for review by all Committee members before voting can take place.
Voting by all Active Members is organised by the Membership Coordinator and recorded confidentially.
Following a vote, the Membership Coordinator will notify prospective members of their standing.
To apply to be a member please fill out the details on THIS FORM (linked) and return to the following address